Send your inquiries to


Please mail the song as mp3, either without drums or two versions (with and without drums), let me know the tempo (maybe with a click-track directly on the song) and eventually how you want the drum-tracks to sound (style and direction).

I'll do a recording and send you back the rough mix. If you like it, you can send me the €100 (paypal) and I will put the separate tracks or the drum-mix for you on Dropbox for downloading.

For bigger projects please tell me how big (how many songs) and what style you'd like, so I can make an offer for you. Best would be a demo-song, so I can get an idea of it.

If you wish, I work together with a sound engineer and a studio for professional recordings (,


Toby plays Sonor Drums, Meinl Cymbals and Agner Sticks
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